Tony Hawk's Project 8

07 Nov 2006

Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 Xbox PlayStation Portable
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7.4 rating
66 want
326 played
10 playing
4 reviews
Neversoft Entertainment



Tony Hawk's Project 8, officially abbreviated as THP8, is a skateboarding video game, the eighth installment in the Tony Hawk's series. It was released on PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PSP, Xbox and Xbox 360. The game begins in the custom skater's hometown in surburbia. After breaking out into the main streets, a team is created by Tony Hawk. The team is called Project 8 and comprises eight skaters. The player character starts ranked 200th and by completing challenges and goals, it will improve his ranking constantly.

Played on: Playstation 3
Version: Playstation 3
Edition: Physical

This game was groundbreaking on the PS3. Not only did it introduce a new system of slowing it down to do more flip tricks (I forget what they called it) but the graphics for the time were sick. I loved this game back then.

Final verdict: Buy it
13 Jun 2022
Jogo maravilhoso.
09 Oct 2024
Bien pero mi opinión no es objetiva en general se me hace aburrido el skate pero como juego en si no fue un desperdicio de tiempo
03 Oct 2024
Zerei quando era criança eu lembro que ele era bom (não tô nem um pouco afim de rejogar e me sentir triste ao saber que o jogo {talvez} seja horrível)
26 Jun 2023
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