The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World

01 Dec 1991

Sega Game Gear Nintendo Entertainment System Sega Master System/Mark III Amiga Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Atari ST/STE
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N/A rating
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59 played
2 playing
2 reviews
Arc Developments
Imagineering, Inc.
Tec Toy
Acclaim Entertainment



The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World is a side-scrolling platform that compiles smaller games belonging to different genres. In each stage, Bart must navigate through the area, collecting items such as firecracker balls for self-defense and Squishees to restore health By grabbing a cape, Bart can become his superheroic alter-ego, Bartman, and fly for limited periods. The most important items in each stage are Krusty-brand souvenirs. There is one in every stage, and Bart must find them all in order to get the best ending. There are also several mini-games in each area, with puzzles such as a matching-card game and a trivia game based on events in actual episodes.

Played: 12 hours
Record: 3 161 100 points
Platform: NES
27 May 2020
Los minijuegos y la nostalgia de Los Simpson en los 90 es lo poco que se puede rescatar. Muy lejos de la calidad de la serie que en esos años era simplemente oro puro.
11 Nov 2023
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