The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

18 Nov 2011

Wii Wii U
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9.3 rating
1812 want
3850 played
335 playing
114 reviews
Nintendo EAD Software Development Group No.3


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Based on 7 answers

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the first Zelda game created specifically with the Wii in mind. The game makes use of the Wii MotionPlus peripheral for sword fighting, with a revised Wii Remote pointing system used for targeting. Skyward Sword is structured very similar to previous Zelda games, as you travel through an overworld in search of temples to visit and once in you solve a series of puzzles before fighting a boss at the end and receive the next bit of plot. The biggest change is that the overworld is more focused on puzzles with only a handful of action.

I dropped this game 4 times back in 2011, I couldn't resist the motion control style that this game based on, but now after HD version released they fixed the game by making the motion control optional, with 1080p and 60FPS I decided to back and give it a fifth chance.

Unlike Wind Waker, which had a large ocean and tons of islands to discover with cool secrets, this feels baron to travel across the sky. It's mostly empty in what you find, but goddess cubes on the surface unlock chests in the sky to make you want to look at them. Some chests have interesting ways to get to them, not to mention the emptiness soul that this game has, there's only ONE town in the whole game you can interact with!

Storywise, it's decent, but you're only getting snippets and then you're being padded out with boring bits.

One of the main issues I have is the pacing. This feels like a 25 hour game stretched to 50 hours, and is painfully slow in places. While there are some fun areas and dungeons, there are also plenty of monotonous areas and boring stuff (like fighting the same boss 3 times) that feels like a chore to complete.

There are some interesting dungeons with interesting mechanics, such as timestones. But other ones where bland and it just feels like you're doing it cause you have to proceed.

It may still appeal to Zelda fans, but they may end up stopping at a certain point and never returning (I really tried to love it, I really did). My recommendation is to avoid it if you don't like Zelda games. I still like the older games such as Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker and MM, which have better music and atmosphere and have more character.

it's indeed a good game, but a bad zelda game.
29 Jun 2023
Everyone who hates on this needs to rot
13 Sep 2024
I loved the graphic style once again,the battle system was interesting,the lore is an important piece for the entire saga.I did enjoy flying but you know it was a little bit empty.
12 Feb 2024
fi? never heard of her
21 Dec 2023
Not the best Zelda but really fun
12 Jul 2024
Has only looked worse when compared to the games that have come after, too limited in scope gameplay wise, although the characters are some of the best in the series
15 Dec 2023
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