Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

20 Jul 1990

MSX2 Wii
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Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is an action-adventure stealth video game created and published by Konami for the MSX2 computer platform. Acting as a direct continuation of the MSX2 version of the original Metal Gear, it was written and designed by the series' creator, Hideo Kojima. Kojima's inspiration for this game arose as a response to the development of Snake's Revenge, a separate sequel being produced simultaneously for the NES, intended primarily for the North American and European markets.

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is the refinement of the first game, and sets the bar of what is to expect from the rest of the series.

Metal Gear 2 to Metal Gear Solid is what Zelda a Link to the Past is to the Zelda Ocarina of time. The foundation of mechanics and structure that the series will build upon starts here.

You will instantly notice there is much more story here than the first game. In both cutscenes and codec calls, each character is more refined and has a personality. This is where Kojima's director strengths shine, and where he establishes that he is out to make a game that is more than just a generic stealth game.

The gameplay is slightly improved from the first. Controls are mostly the same but now you can go prone, which adds a lot for a stealth game. You can also knock on walls to get attention. These 2 additions alone add a lot more depth to the gameplay.

The game is still full of backtracking like the first, but it's not as frustrating as backtracking is now rewarding with the game constantly providing new items for you.

There are still many "cryptic" moments here so I still suggest using a guide when needed.

The biggest downside is that the game is like 12fps. It feels like I'm playing a Nokia mobile game most of the time. This honestly almost ruined the experience for me. However I think it got improved in the new ports of the game. For full clarity I was playing the MSX2 version.

Overall MG2 is just a better version of the first game and is a must play for any metal gear fan. If you like the first Metal Gear Solid, I highly suggest checking this out.
21 Dec 2023
Played: 10 hours 38 minutes
Platform: Xbox360 (as a part of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection)
19 Jan 2024
Good improvement on the first one
18 Nov 2024
It's far far better than the first Metal Gear, it still has those frustrating moments but it keeps you interested till the end, it has a better narrative and story, definitely set the narration language for the future games in the series.
Play it on the HD Collection or Legacy Collection, avoid the MSX version.
17 Oct 2023
07 Nov 2024
Basically metal gear 1 but better
21 Oct 2024
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