LEGO Horizon Adventures

14 Nov 2024

Nintendo Switch PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 5
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7.4 rating
1055 want
244 played
81 playing
20 reviews
Guerrilla Games
Sony Interactive Entertainment



Join machine hunter Aloy as she leads a colorful crew of heroes through the lush wilderness on a quest to save the world and learn the secrets of her past. Dive into boundless adventure, customize to your heart’s content, and take on action-packed battles solo or with friends in co-op.

The levels are way too repetitive
20 Nov 2024
The graphics are amazing
30 Dec 2024
While this game is fun and charming there is absolutely no reason for the level of grind required to platinum a lego game.

With that aside the story is great and I think the game is a great addition to the Horizon universe.
04 Jan 2025
A good looking game that doesn't deliver in any other way.

The levels are short, linear and repetitive. There is no worthwhile reward for exploration, no areas to come back to later with a new character or better skills. If you do venture off the main path you'll be rewarded with a handful of studs and a slight feeling a regret for wasting your time. Each level you'll wander from point A to point B, from left to right, fighting a handful of repetitive enemies on the way. That's about it. There are no collectibles, no real platforming or challenge, no puzzles to solve, no actual thinking required at any point. There isn't even much in each level that you can destroy for studs - you know, the bread and butter of Lego games...

You can spend studs on customising your character or the village base - neither of these offer any gamplay benefits and are purely aesthetic. With no reason to replay the game (which is already short), it all seems a bit pointless spending time and studs on changing the appearance of anything.

The dialogue is occasionally funny, but mostly consists of dumbed down food-related jokes that would (maybe) make a four year old chuckle. Erend's whole personality is donuts... not a single ounce of charisma, intellect or heart. From time to time there will be a line of dialogue to progress the story or explain what's happening (for those who didn't play Horizon) but it's mostly little quips and jokes that just don't land because they're so frequent and forced.

If you want some positives then the game does look great visually and the combat mechanics are fairly solid (albeit pretty limited), but this really isn't enough to make up for all that is lacking.

My wife and I love playing the Lego games since they're about the only couch coop games around anymore, but this is the first one where we've felt ripped off.
This game has somehow managed to combine two great game franchises and produce something impressively lacklustre. All the Lego games are aimed at children but this one feels like it's target audience is specifically newborns.

If you somehow find this game on sale for £10 then sure, give it a go, otherwise just don't bother. Play any of the other Lego or Horizon games for a much more rewarding, exciting, and enjoyable time.
20 Dec 2024
Esse é o verdadeiro inimigo da criatividade e um exemplo claro de mediocridade!

De todos os jogos LEGO que já joguei, e até mesmo dos que não, este é, sem dúvidas, o mais fraco. O jogo se resume a atravessar um level design extremamente básico que parece ter sido feito por um estudante de design de jogos em um projeto de faculdade, entrar em uma arena para enfrentar máquinas em combates incrivelmente repetitivos e monótonos, depois voltar a um hub pra ir pra próxima missão, que repete exatamente essa mesma fórmula em todas as fases até o final do jogo.

É difícil até entender para qual público este jogo foi desenvolvido. Sinceramente, custo acreditar que uma criança conseguiria se manter interessada nele depois de um tempo, já que tudo é absurdamente simples. A impressão que fica é que é um projeto feito de qualquer jeito com o mínimo direção criativa, só para lucrar em cima do nome de uma franquia famosa. Uma tentativa sem inspiração de capitalizar em algo popular, mas que erra muito em entregar uma experiência minimamente divertida ou memorável.
18 Nov 2024
Jogo repetitivo é muito raso no conteúdo.
28 Dec 2024
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