Digimon World 2

27 Jul 2000

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Digimon World 2 is a dungeon crawler video game developed by BEC and published by Bandai for the PlayStation as part of their Digimon series. It is the sequel to the original Digimon World, and was released in Japan in July 2000 and North America the following year in May 2001. The player controls Akira, a Digimon Tamer whose goal is to climb to the top of the Digimon World.

Beaten the game and that's it. Around 70% completed (based on RA achievements). Really really repetitive. It was fun at first but gets boring so fast. Have to grind a lot. Definitely prefer Digimon World 3 over this.
12 Mar 2023
Completed the nth playthrough of this game since I was itching for some Digimon nostalgia & this is the easiest Digimon entry out of the PS1 Digimon World trio.

Pros: Amazing OST (particularly the first boss theme), the dungeon traversal is decent & I actually think the DNA digivolution system is quite fun, only if it is not excessively grindy (see the cons below).

Cons: Without fast-forward & emulation save states, this game is unbearably grindy. Playing at 3x speed + eliminating loading times by utilising Duckstation's fast disk speedup was the only way I could even bear the grindiness of this game. Also DuoScissorClaw is broken & makes the game trivial if you ever get Kuwagamon/Okuwamon. Mega Digimon variety is lacking & a lot of Virus (and a couple of Data) Ultimate digimon can't even Digivolve to Mega at all.

Overall, a fun little nostalgic game - but I seriously would only play this with emulation QoL features of 3x speed + disk reading speed up. Otherwise I would never touch this game again
13 Oct 2022
دايه اتمر ن بألعاب ابطال الديجتال ولما اشريها تطلع خايسه قليل اللي تحصلها كويسه
23 Jul 2022
Joguei umas 300 horas com o emulador do ps1 no celular.

Joguei quando era criança e voltei a jogar depois de adulto pra zerar, pois nunca tinha zerado apesar de ter jogado bastante.

Obs: Joguei o jogo na velocidade 10X pelo emulador, o jogo é muito lento.

Pontos positivos: Nostalgia, Digimon, evolução dos Digimons, fundir Digimons, colecionar Digimons.

Pontos negativos: animação lenta, o jogo é lento, pra upar Digimons demora, os digimons bons aparecem no final do jogo, obrigação de fundir Digimons que gosta pra poder obter Digimons melhores e mais fortes, então esquece aparência, sem tradução pra português no jogo original.
29 Dec 2024
Só não sou nota menor por causa da nostálgia
11 Sep 2024
Muito bom
24 May 2024
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