Cities: Skylines

10 Mar 2015

Xbox One Linux Google Stadia PC (Microsoft Windows) Xbox Series X|S Mac PlayStation 5 PlayStation 4
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7.6 rating
401 want
3358 played
464 playing
88 reviews
Colossal Order
Paradox Interactive


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

22h 46m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

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100% completion

Based on 12 answers

Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation genre. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience. From the makers of the Cities in Motion franchise, the game boasts a fully realized transport system. It also includes the ability to mod the game to suit your play style as a fine counter balance to the layered and challenging simulation. You're only limited by your imagination, so take control and reach for the sky!

I haven't played the career mode, but when I do oh boy
13 May 2023
i really really like this movie
07 Jan 2023
A good city builder simulator which is definitely ahead of the current competition, although the genre is lacking at the moment. It has its quirks; terrain manipulation feels wonky and some of the assets look out of place (ie. 2 story houses which are a quarter of the size of a bungalow). It definitely lacks for features in the base game, and the DLC can feel at times overpriced for the content that it provides. All that considered though, it is by far the best city builder at the moment, and provides a lot of fun and potential for those interested, although I think it is high time for a sequel, as opposed to more DLC.
26 Mar 2023
Finally modern day manor lords
08 Oct 2024
Not my personal favorite city builder experience (Tropico or Frostpunk would probably get that covetted spot) but really the epitome of what I look for or think about when it comes to good entries in this genre. It's the city builder that I judge all other city builders by.
02 Jan 2024
El joc definitiu de construcció de ciutats. Cities: Skylines ofereix una experiència immersiva i molt personalitzable, permetent-te construir i gestionar una ciutat al teu gust, amb una gran llibertat per planificar infraestructures, zones residencials i serveis públics.

Tot i que el joc base és molt sòlid i ple de possibilitats, sense mods pot semblar una mica limitat, especialment si busques un nivell de detall més alt. Afortunadament, la comunitat de jugadors és excepcional i ha creat una infinitat de continguts personalitzats que amplien les opcions fins a nivells increïbles. Les expansions oficials són interessants i aporten noves mecàniques, però no són imprescindibles per gaudir d'una gran experiència.

El joc no és perfecte i presenta algunes mancances: algunes mecàniques poden ser trencades amb relativa facilitat (com fer funcionar ciutats sense habitants reals o guanyar diners sense gaire esforç), i problemes com les "onades" de morts poden complicar la gestió sense gaire sentit realista. Malgrat això, aquests punts no treuen el mèrit d'un joc que brilla pel seu concepte i execució.
12 Jan 2025
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